🤝Boost Your Confidence and Crush Your Goals with Self-Affirmation 🚀

Feeling like you're not good enough? Don't worry, we've all been there.

Well hello SUNSHINE! You look like you’re worth at least a million bucks! Now, we aren’t trying to sell you anything, like snake oil, beard oil, or any other fancy oils, we just want you to take a look at some of the neat ideas we have come across to aid the average passerby with their mental health!

Now, what I have with me today is:

  • A first-class, top of the line, psychological study that shows how affirmations can have lasting benefits on one’s SENSE OF ADEQUACY

  • You’ll like this, an Irish comedian who self-professed to failing at affirmations found a way it worked for him

  • And since you are such a sweetheart, we are going to throw in a few affirmations for you to take home with you today for FREE

People have a basic need to maintain the integrity of the self, a sense of personal adequacy. That’s where affirmations come in

Feeling like you're not good enough? Don't worry, we've all been there. A study in the world of psychology has found a way to help you feel more confident and achieve your goals – and it's as easy as writing down your values!

Here's what the study found:

đź’Ş When we feel like our sense of self is threatened, it can cause stress and hold us back from reaching our potential.

đź“ť But by taking the time to write down our core personal values, we can expand our view of ourselves and our abilities, making us more resilient to those negative thoughts.

🌟 And the best part? These self-affirmations can have lasting benefits, improving our education, health, and relationships for months and even years to come.

So go ahead, take a few minutes to jot down what makes you awesome. You might just be surprised at how much it can help you crush your goals and boost your confidence! 🙌

When being positive for a comedian didn’t work, he had to improvise

Bernard O’Shea STRUGGLED with using affirmations. With the increased popularity and countless success stories, he thought he would give it a go. It turned out for him, believing the affirmations he was saying was where he got seriously stuck.

Some key points :

  • Research shows that positive affirmations can affect the brain's neural pathways and influence behavior, linked to improved mood, reduced stress, and increased self-esteem.

  • Regularly practicing affirmations can reprogram the subconscious mind, and creating personalized affirmations aligned with individual goals and values can be a powerful tool for self-improvement.

  • The author of the article struggled with using positive affirmations but eventually created personalized affirmations that worked for them with an Irish twist. With ones like, “There’s nothing wrong with you. Pull in your belly!” or “You are capable. What do you want, a medal?”

7 Lucky Affirmations

  1. I am enough just as I am, with all my strengths and weaknesses.

  2. I am worthy of love, respect, and happiness, simply by existing.

  3. I am capable of achieving my goals and dreams, and I have the skills and resources to do so.

  4. I accept myself for who I am and celebrate my uniqueness and individuality.

  5. I am not defined by my mistakes or failures, and I am capable of learning from them and growing as a person.

  6. I trust myself to make the right decisions for my life, and I have faith in my ability to handle challenges and overcome obstacles.

  7. I am deserving of success and happiness, and I will continue to work toward my goals with confidence and self-belief.

Selfpause is a compact and user-friendly life coaching app that employs powerful coaching techniques and tailored affirmations to facilitate personal growth. With its extensive library of affirmations, users can easily browse and save their favorites. The app also includes guided affirmation sessions that feature calming background sounds to promote mindfulness and meditation. Ultimately, the app aims to foster positivity and self-confidence, empowering users to live more fulfilling and satisfying lives. It's an excellent tool for anyone looking to improve themselves and cultivate a more positive mindset.


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Ready for more positivity?

If you’re ready to change your life and reach your goals, then try our AI life-coaching and positive affirmations app TODAYAY!

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