🤔 Boost Your Self-Esteem, Boost Your Health: The Power of Self-Affirmation 🏋️‍♀️

Self-affirmation manipulations might be of particular benefit for those with low self-esteem in terms of promoting openness toward health-risk information.

Morning fellow mental wellness sojourners! This is your daily dose of Selfpause. We are grateful for the companionship and camaraderie that you bring. Before we dive right in, why don’t we explain a little of what we were going to discuss today?

Here’s the plan:

  • A very interesting (though we may be biased) scientific study, found that low self-esteem coupled with self-affirmations allowed for positive changes in attitudes toward health choices (like exercising)

  • BUT what if you know exercise is good for you, but don’t feel good enough to exercise? We found an article just for you

  • If you stick with us till the end we have some great affirmations for you to take a look at

Self-affirmation manipulations might be of particular benefit for those with low self-esteem in terms of promoting openness toward health-risk information

Feeling blue? Don't worry, you're not alone. A study published in the Journal of Health Psychology has some good news for those with low self-esteem.

Here's what went down in the world of self-affirmation:

🧐 The study looked at whether self-affirmation could help people with low self-esteem be more open to health-risk information.

📝 Participants completed either a self-affirmation task or a control task before reading about the health risks of not exercising.

🤔 The results showed that self-affirmation had a positive impact on attitudes and intentions towards exercise, as well as reducing derogation of the health-risk information for those with low self-esteem.

👍 However, for those with high self-esteem, there was no effect of the self-affirmation task.

So, if you're feeling a little low, try some self-affirmation and boost your health along the way. You got this! 💪


Many women feel intimidated by unfamiliar physical activities, which can be made worse by pressure to look or behave a certain way while exercising.

Here’s some bullet points:

  • Feeling less confident in physical abilities can be overcome by tracking progress, trying something skills-based, and getting to know your strengths.

  • The notion of being "sporty" or "unsporty" is irrelevant, as anyone can participate in and enjoy exercise regardless of athletic talent.

  • Overcoming the lack of confidence in physical abilities requires getting started and taking action.

  • Tracking progress, whether through apps or fitness journals, can be motivating and boost confidence.

  • Engaging in skills-based activities, such as dancing or weightlifting, helps shift the focus from aesthetics to enjoyment and improvement.

  • Yoga not only offers physical and mental health benefits but also helps individuals understand their body's strengths and weaknesses.


  1. I deserve to be happy.

  2. I deserve to prioritize my own needs and well-being.

  3. I am capable of achieving my goals and overcoming challenges.

  4. I am proud of my accomplishments and the progress I have made.

  5. I am deserving of happiness and fulfillment in all areas of my life.

  6. I embrace my unique qualities and celebrate my individuality.

  7. I trust myself to make decisions that align with my values and desires.

  8. I am confident in my abilities and trust in my own judgment.

  9. I acknowledge my strengths and use them to create positive change.

  10. I am resilient and can bounce back from setbacks stronger than before.

  11. I release the need to compare myself to others.

  12. I make time for activities that nourish my mind, body, and soul.

  13. I choose to surround myself with people who uplift and support me.

  14. I believe in my potential and embrace opportunities for growth.

  15. I am enough just as I am, and I love and accept myself unconditionally.

Selfpause is an app designed to promote self-love and positivity. It offers personalized life coaching, guided meditation, and affirmations to help users achieve a mindful and content state of mind. The app provides a comprehensive self-improvement package with various features that empower individuals to develop a positive mindset and improve their emotional well-being. By utilizing Selfpause, users can take charge of their lives and strive for a more fulfilling and healthier existence.


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