🧘‍♀️Bosses Who Zen: How Mindful Leaders Boost Employee Well-Being and Performance 💼

Supervisors' mindfulness positively influences various aspects of employee well-being, such as job satisfaction and need satisfaction, as well as different dimensions of employee performance.

Holy guacamole, it is going to be a freaking awesome day! AND this is your daily dose of Selfpause, which will help you get started! SO prepare for a healthy dose of laughs, scientific studies, and some other mindful takeaways.

Here’s what’s in your daily dose today:

  • A study investigates the impact of leaders' mindfulness on employee well-being and performance

  • A Forbes article looks at building a case for mindfulness in leaders

  • 8 affirmations for embracing mindfulness as a leader

Supervisors' mindfulness positively influences various aspects of employee well-being, such as job satisfaction and need satisfaction, as well as different dimensions of employee performance

We all know that bosses can make or break our work experience. But what if your boss was a zen master? A study by the APA (American Psychological Association) found that supervisors who practice mindfulness can have a positive impact on their employees' well-being and performance.

Here's what the study found:

🧘‍♂️ Bosses who practice mindfulness have employees who are more satisfied with their jobs and feel their needs are being met.

🏆 These employees also perform better in their roles and are more likely to engage in positive behaviors that benefit the organization.

🤝 The study also found that the positive effects of mindfulness on employee performance were partially mediated by psychological need satisfaction.

So, if you want to be a boss who zen, start by practicing mindfulness. Your employees will thank you for it!


Mindfulness is a powerful tool for leaders to improve their skills, be more aware, and thrive in the modern workplace.


  • Mindfulness is a simple solution to stress and burnout in the workplace.

  • Mindfulness is about being fully present, focusing on thoughts and sensations, and can be incorporated into daily routines like walking, cooking, and coloring.

  • Mindfulness is not a form of escapism, mindlessness, or a cure-all for life's problems.

  • Mindfulness in the workplace improves decision-making, communication, focus, and enjoyment of work.

  • Mindfulness improves presence, reduces stress, increases happiness, and enhances creativity.

8 affirmations just like we promised!

  1. I embrace the power of mindfulness as a leader, allowing me to lead with greater clarity and awareness.

  2. I prioritize being fully present in each moment, cultivating a sense of calm and focus in my leadership role.

  3. I approach challenges and difficult situations with compassion, using mindfulness to navigate them effectively.

  4. I create space for mindfulness in my daily routine.

  5. I recognize that mindfulness is not just for myself but also for the well-being of my team.

  6. I integrate mindfulness into my communication.

  7. I understand that taking moments of stillness and reflection enhances my decision-making.

  8. I embrace the journey of mindfulness, knowing growth as a mindful leader benefits both myself and those I lead.

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