🦠 COVID Stress Got You Down? Self-Affirmation to the Rescue! 💪

An experimental intervention involving the affirmation of personal values can buffer psychological stress responses during an epidemic.

Hello fellow travelers! As we journey on this wellness journey together, let us all take a moment to embrace our daily dose of Selfpause. Today we are going to dive into releasing stress from the toilet paper apocalypse (aka 2020).

Here’s what we had in mind:

  • A somewhat recent study found that using affirmations can help reduce the stress felt by the public during an outbreak

  • BUT it’s not just covid stress that affirmations can help with, it's normal run-of-the-mill stress too!

  • We compiled some stress-be-gone affirmations to help out

An experimental intervention involving the affirmation of personal values can buffer psychological stress responses during an epidemic

Feeling anxious because of the pandemic? You're not alone. But a scientific study found a simple way to help ease those stress levels – self-affirmation!

Here's what went down in the world of value reflection:

🤔 Researchers recruited 220 participants and split them into two groups – one that reflected on personal values that made them feel important to themselves, and one that reflected on values important to others.

📝 Both groups completed a questionnaire and anxiety and depression scales before and after the intervention.

🔬 The results? The self-affirmation group showed no increase in anxiety levels after the intervention, while the control group did.

So, what does this mean for you? Taking a few minutes to reflect on your personal values can help reduce anxiety during stressful times. And the best part? It's an easy and convenient strategy that anyone can do!


Stress is a prevalent issue in today's society, affecting productivity and health. People are actively seeking ways to reduce stress and improve their well-being, and affirmations have emerged as a popular method for combating stress and promoting positivity.

Here are the stress-free details :

  1. Positive affirmations help activate the brain's reward center, leading to happiness and a positive outlook.

  2. Affirmations are statements of positive and powerful words that encourage and motivate individuals to reach their potential.

  3. They work by altering perspectives and subconscious thoughts, leading to belief and action.

  4. Affirmations can be practiced through writing in a diary or speaking them aloud in front of a mirror.

  5. They have been proven to reduce stress, boost confidence, and promote a positive mindset.


  1. I release all stress and embrace a calm and peaceful state of mind.

  2. I choose to focus on the present moment and let go of worries.

  3. I choose to cultivate a positive mindset.

  4. I trust in my ability to handle any challenges that come my way.

  5. I prioritize self-care allowing stress to effortlessly melt away.

  6. I attract positive energy and surround myself with supportive people.

  7. I choose to prioritize my well-being over stress.

  8. I let go of the need for perfection and embrace progress and growth.

  9. I trust the universe's plan and have faith that everything will work out.

  10. I choose to live in a state of gratitude, free from stress.

Meet Selfpause, the app designed to promote self-love and positivity. It offers customized life coaching, guided meditation, and personalized affirmations to help users achieve a mindful and contented state of mind. The app provides a comprehensive self-improvement package with a range of features, empowering individuals to cultivate a positive mindset and enhance their emotional well-being. Through Selfpause, users can take charge of their lives and embark on a journey towards a more fulfilling and healthier existence.


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