🤝 Friends Helping Friends: Peer-Delivered Mental Health Services on the Rise 🌟

Research indicates that peer-provided services in mental health can achieve outcomes on par with or even better than those delivered by non-peer professionals.

Hey there, you bright and shiny humans! Get ready to gulp down your daily shot of Selfpause goodness! With our secret blend of humor and scientific wizardry, we guarantee you'll walk away with mind-blowing takeaways that will make your brain do a happy dance.

Here’s what we have come up with today:

  • A study highlights the effectiveness of peer-delivered wellness recovery services

  • An article that looks at how peer-supported mental health programs can have a really positive impact

  • 15 affirmations on how to be a good friend

Research indicates that peer-provided services in mental health can achieve outcomes just as good (if not better than) non-peer professionals

You know what they say, “Friends don't let friends struggle alone!" A recent study in the Psychiatric Rehabilitation Journal found that peer-delivered wellness recovery services can be just as effective (if not better!) than services provided by non-peer professionals.

Here's what went down in the world of peer support:

🤝 Certified peer specialists (CPSs) are trained to provide recovery-oriented mental health services to their peers (aka people with similar experiences)

🌟 The study found that CPSs were just as effective as non-peer professionals in producing positive outcomes for mental health recovery

👥 Peer support programs are becoming more widespread in psychiatric rehabilitation programs and community settings

So, if you or a friend are struggling with mental health, don't be afraid to reach out to a peer specialist for support. Remember, we're all in this together! 🤗


A new report suggests that Scotland's network of mental health peer-support groups provided valuable lessons in navigating the COVID-19 pandemic. The report was prepared by human-computer interaction specialists from the University of Glasgow and examined seven mental-health support groups in Scotland.

Here’s the details :

  • Scotland has well-resourced peer-support structures for mental health services, including the Scottish Recovery Network established in 2004.

  • Trained peer-support workers with lived experience of mental health problems offer advice and support in formalized settings.

  • The research focused on the experiences of service users, support workers, and volunteers from seven mental health support groups.

  • The ongoing energy and economic crises have increased the need for effective peer-support services in addressing mental health issues.

  • The researchers hope their work will provide a useful framework for other organizations offering mental health peer-support services and plan to collaborate with the study's participants to build a prototype of a new online system incorporating their recommendations.


  1. I am a good listener and offer my full attention to my friends.

  2. I show empathy and understanding toward my friends' feelings.

  3. I am supportive and offer encouragement.

  4. I respect my friends' boundaries and privacy.

  5. I am reliable and dependable, I am always there for my friends.

  6. I celebrate my friends' successes and achievements with happiness.

  7. I am honest and communicate openly, fostering trust and transparency.

  8. I am non-judgmental and accept my friends for who they are.

  9. I prioritize quality time with my friends and make an effort to stay connected.

  10. I am compassionate and show kindness during tough times.

  11. I remember important details about my friends' lives.

  12. I offer help and support without expecting anything in return.

  13. I have good friends to turn to in my times of need.

  14. I am inclusive and make an effort to make my friends feel valued.

  15. I appreciate and express gratitude for the presence and friendship of my friends.

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