🧠 Mind Over Muffin Top: Mental Health and Childhood Obesity🧠

We should tackle childhood obesity without stigmatizing overweight children and enhance the well-being of all children, irrespective of their weight status.

Hey there peeps! Are you ready for a hefty dose of Selfpause? We're here to be your personal cheerleaders! And we'll do it all with a side-splitting dash of humor and rock-solid scientific studies. So get ready because we'll dish out some seriously AWESOME takeaways. Here's the scoop on what's been buzzing in our world:

Here’s what’s going down:

  • A study that delves into the association between mental health and childhood obesity

  • An article that takes a quick look at how to recognize obesity struggles in your child and what do to about it

  • 11 affirmations about making healthy choices

We should tackle childhood obesity without stigmatizing overweight children and enhance the well-being of all children, irrespective of their weight status

We all know that childhood obesity is a serious issue, but did you know that mental health could be a contributing factor? A recent study reviewed over 100 articles to explore the relationship between mental health and childhood obesity.

Here's what they found:

🤔 Psychological factors like depression, anxiety, and body dissatisfaction can all contribute to childhood obesity.

🍔 Weight-based teasing and concern about weight and shape can also play a role.

💪 On the flip side, quality of life and resiliency/protective factors can help prevent childhood obesity.

So, what can we do to help? The study recommends creating solutions that don't further marginalize overweight and obese children and youth, and that can improve the well-being of all children and youth regardless of their weight status. Let's prioritize mental health and wellness for our kids, and help them overcome any obstacles to a healthy and happy life. 🌟


Childhood obesity is a global epidemic, affecting nearly 15 million children and teens in the U.S., with triple the number since the 1970s. The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) has introduced new guidelines for treating childhood obesity, which now include medication (for kids 12 and older) and weight loss surgery (for teens 13 and older).


  • Signs of childhood obesity include excessive sweating, fatigue, acid reflux, joint pain, puberty abnormalities, shortness of breath, sleep apnea, and snoring.

  • Obesity increases the risk of developing conditions such as asthma, heart disease, joint pain, sleep disorders, and type 2 diabetes at a younger age.

  • Untreated obesity can also impact mental health, leading to anxiety, depression, bullying, and social isolation.

  • Treatment for childhood obesity requires a multidisciplinary approach, including lifestyle changes (exercise, healthy diet, adequate sleep) and, if necessary, medication, or weight-loss surgery (recommended for teens with severe obesity and related complications).

  • If you suspect your child has obesity, consult their pediatrician, who will consider various factors, including medical history, diet, activity level, and related symptoms. 


  1. I am in control of my choices, and I choose to make healthy decisions for my body.

  2. Eating nutritious foods makes me feel strong and energized.

  3. Physical activities are a fun way to take care of my body and keep it strong.

  4. I listen to my body's signals and eat when I'm hungry and stop when I'm full.

  5. Water is the best drink to keep me hydrated and healthy.

  6. I enjoy trying new fruits and vegetables because they help me grow and stay healthy.

  7. Taking care of my teeth by brushing and flossing keeps my smile bright and healthy.

  8. Getting enough sleep helps my body and mind rest and rejuvenate.

  9. I am unique and beautiful just the way I am, and taking care of my health supports my overall well-being.

  10. It's okay to enjoy treats occasionally, but I know that balance is vital for a healthy lifestyle.

  11. Making healthy choices is a lifelong journey, and I am committed to taking care of myself every day.

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