New💪 Self-Affirmation: The Secret to Feeling Good About Yourself 💁‍♀️ Post

Engaging in spontaneous self-affirmation is related to greater happiness, hopefulness, optimism, and subjective health.

Buenos Dias mi amigos! This is your daily dose of Selfpause. We are here for things like mental wellness, memes, and funny comments, though mostly mental wellness. SO pull up a chair, and let us regale you with a combination of the aforementioned list!

Our tale begins with:

  • Did you know that spontaneity and affirmations result in HAPPINESS? Uh-uh, it’s true, and the National Library of Medicine wrote ALL ABOUT IT.

  • Speaking of spontaneity, did you know that it can help you with reaching more moments of serendipity? It’s true!

  • Since we are on the subject, we thought we’d pass along some affirmations about healthy spontaneity!

Engaging in spontaneous self-affirmation is related to greater happiness, hopefulness, optimism, and subjective health

Hey, you! Feeling down about yourself? Well, listen up because we've got some good news for you. A study by the Health Information National Trends Survey found that spontaneous self-affirmation is the key to feeling good about yourself. Here's what went down:

🤔 Participants were asked about their self-affirmation habits, demographics, well-being, and emotions.

👍 The majority of people reported engaging in spontaneous self-affirmation (go, you!).

👩‍🦱 Black and Hispanic respondents were found to engage in more self-affirmation (you guys rock!).

🌟 Engaging in self-affirmation was linked to greater happiness, hopefulness, optimism, subjective health, and personal health efficacy (wowza!).

😡 And less anger and sadness (bye-bye negativity!).

Next time you're feeling a little down, take a moment to reflect on your values and strengths. You'll be feeling like a boss in no time! 💪


Spontaneity can bring playfulness and adventure into life and boost happiness, whereas overscheduling and overplanning can take away small, accidental joys of leisure activities.

Here’s what they mean by that:

  • Being spontaneous involves making gut decisions and prioritizing serendipity.

  • Creating conditions for spontaneity can help prioritize it.

  • Smartphones and laptops make it easy to overschedule, but there are ways to prioritize spontaneity by creating conditions for it to occur.

  • Serendipitous interactions and activities are key to a fully lived life, and spontaneous events don’t require much planning or rushing around


  1. I am naturally spontaneous and trust my intuition.

  2. Embracing spontaneity brings joy and excitement into my life.

  3. By being spontaneous, I am able to let go of my fears and anxieties.

  4. Spontaneity allows me to be more creative and open-minded.

  5. When I am spontaneous, I am more comfortable with uncertainty.

  6. Being spontaneous helps me to build deeper connections with others.

  7. I am grateful for the spontaneity in my life, as it enriches my experiences.

Selfpause is a versatile application created to promote self-love and positivity using a range of helpful tools, including tailored life coaching, guided meditation, and personalized affirmations. The aim of this app is to help users attain a more mindful and contented state of mind by providing a comprehensive self-improvement solution. By providing a wide variety of features, Selfpause empowers users to embrace the strength of positive thinking and foster emotional wellness. With Selfpause, you can take control of your life and achieve a healthier, more fulfilling existence.


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