🤝 Being Nice is Nice: Prosociality Boosts Meaning in Life 🌟

Did you know that being prosocial – aka doing things that benefit others – can enhance your sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Long time no see! This is your daily dose of Selfpause. We hope you’ve been well since our last time together. We have some exciting things we’ve discovered that we would like to share with you!

Here’s what we’ve unearthed:

  • A study by some smart cookies found initial evidence that prosociality enhances meaning in life. Who wouldn’t want to know how to enhance the meaning of life??

  • Missouri schools launched a $4 million research program to integrate prosocial behavior programs to help students

  • Some nifty affirmations about being the social butterfly you’ve always wanted to be

Study participants who did things for others reported greater meaning in life

You know that warm and fuzzy feeling you get when you do something nice for someone else? Turns out, that feeling can actually give your life more meaning! A bunch of smarty-pants researchers did some studies and found that being prosocial – aka doing things that benefit others – can enhance your sense of purpose and fulfillment.

Here's what they did:

🤝 Study 1: They asked people about their prosocial behavior and found that those who did more nice things for others also felt like their life had more meaning.

📝 Study 2: They had people write notes of gratitude to others and found that this boosted their sense of meaning in life.

😔 Study 3: They made people feel like their life was meaningless (rude!) and then found that those who felt like they were more prosocial felt better about themselves.

💕 Study 4: They found that being prosocial can even improve your relationships, which in turn can make your life feel more meaningful.

So, if you're feeling a little lost or like your life lacks purpose, try doing something nice for someone else. It might just give you the boost you need! 🌟

University of Missouri research project aims to create a better classroom climate and improve student performance in 25 Missouri public school districts

The project teaches fifth-grade math and science students prosocial behavior techniques to help them understand how their behavior affects others. The pilot schools are part of a $4 million Education Innovation and Research grant project awarded by the U.S. Department of Education to the University of Missouri.

Here’s the dirty details :

  • The project has shown a measurable and profound impact on student behavior, teacher satisfaction, and academic performance.

  • The program's implementation has changed the demeanor of the entire school in the Plato School District, according to board member Peter Herschend.

  • Board member Pamela Westbrooks-Hodge was impressed with the program's use in Potosi Intermediate School, where students from high-trauma environments interacted respectfully with maturity and confidence.


  1. I enjoy being social and connecting with others.

  2. I have a natural ability to help others and make a positive impact on their lives.

  3. My actions and words are kind and compassionate towards others.

  4. I am a great listener and offer support to those who need it.

  5. I make an effort to engage with others and form meaningful relationships.

  6. My presence brings joy and comfort to those around me.

  7. I am capable of making a difference in the world.

  8. I am open-minded and accepting of different perspectives.

  9. I find fulfillment in serving others and making their lives better.

  10. My social skills and empathy allow me to be a valuable asset in any social situation.

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