😴 Phone Addiction is Ruining Your Sleep, Ladies! 📱

Cell phone addiction was causing poor sleep quality, affirmations were encouraged to come to the aide.

Hey there sleepy head! Looking for ways to increase that beauty sleep of yours and not feel so tired? Well, look at you, you’ve come just to the right place. This daily dose of Selfpause is focusing on getting the rest you need and deserve. We can’t be cutting corners when it comes to our beauty sleep can we ladies?

Here’s the lowdown:

  • A really cool study about the quality of sleep you are getting, self-actualization, and cell phones

  • A 2023 study in regards to sleeping with your cellphone and, yes, it really does affect your sleep

  • Just a few affirmations about getting good sleep designed just for you

Cell phone addiction was causing poor sleep quality, affirmations were encouraged to come to the aide

Listen up, ladies! We all know we can't live without our phones, but did you know they could be ruining your beauty sleep? A study in Taiwan found that smartphone dependence is linked to poor sleep quality in female college students.

Here's what went down in the study:

👩‍🎓 409 female college students were surveyed about their sleep quality, smartphone dependence, and health-related behaviors.

📱 The results showed that the more dependent the students were on their phones, the worse their sleep quality was.

🥗 On the other hand, students who had better health-related behaviors, like good nutrition and stress management, had better sleep quality.

So, if you want to catch some Z's and wake up feeling refreshed, it might be time to put down the phone and focus on some self-care. Your body (and your under-eye circles) will thank you! 💤


How many of you sleep with your cell phone? No, you don’t have to raise your hand. A survey found that 29% of teenagers slept with their phone and 68% had their mobile device within reach at night, and that was affecting the quality of their sleep.

Here’s what else it said:

  • Research shows that phone use before bed affects sleep quality and duration, as well as working memory.

  • The blue light coming from the phone suppresses melatonin, which can lead to a reduction in sleep quality, deep sleep, and alertness when awake.

  • The notification sounds can wake people up or make it tempting to scroll again after a midnight bathroom run, leading to a vicious cycle.

  • Experts recommend keeping the phone out of the bedroom or on airplane mode to minimize the disruptions to sleep and potential health risks.


  1. I prioritize getting enough sleep every night.

  2. I create a peaceful sleep environment by eliminating distractions.

  3. I have a consistent sleep routine to help my body get into a healthy rhythm.

  4. I avoid consuming stimulating substances close to bedtime

  5. I practice stress-reducing techniques such as meditation.

  6. I use my bed only for sleeping and avoid doing other activities in bed.

  7. I prioritize self-care during the day, such as exercise and healthy eating, to improve my sleep quality.

  8. I commit to getting enough sleep every night.

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