🧠 Stop the Ruminating, Start the Affirming 🌟

Bonjour mon ami! It is with the deepest pride and greatest pleasure that we present to you… your daily dose of Selfpause. We are thrilled to share with you the wonders we’ve uncovered in relation to using affirmations to overcome ruminating thoughts!

Here’s what’s on the menu today:

  • A study by the American Psychological Association found that AFFIRMATIONS HELP PREVENT RUMATIVE THOUGHTS

  • Medical News Today has an article that links increasing self-confidence and meditation to overcoming ruminative or negative looping thoughts

  • Your favorite part, we compiled some affirmations so you can start stopping your negative thought cycles today! :) 

Stop the loop- failure is never final and affirmations can keep you on track

We've all been there – you fail at something and suddenly your brain is stuck in a loop of negative thoughts. But fear not, because science has a solution! According to a study by the APA, self-affirmation can help you break free from that cycle of rumination.

Here's what the study found:

🤔 Participants who received failure feedback on an IQ test were more likely to ruminate on their failure.

🌟 However, when participants were given the opportunity to self-affirm either before or after the failure, they were less likely to ruminate.

😊 In fact, self-affirmation even led to increased positive feelings and evaluations of oneself.

Next time you're feeling down about a failure, take a moment to remind yourself of your strengths and accomplishments. Your brain (and mood) will thank you!

Excessive ruminating can be a sign of poor mental health- Here’s how to stop those thoughts in their tracks

We all can have negative thoughts on a loop from time to time, just don’t let them get the better of you! (hint the last two are what we specialize in)

Here are the interesting details :

  • Ruminating thoughts can have many triggers, know what yours are. This make take some mindfulness the next time you are experiencing a hard moment.

  • Understand the underlying mental health struggle that can lead to ruminative thoughts

  • Stopping or controlling ruminative thoughts can be done by exercising, spending time in nature, self-affirmations, and meditation (among others!).

  • The key is to use mindfulness to RECOGNZIE your triggers, then be proactive when you find yourself in a situation with one or more triggers. Don’t let you mind get away from you!

A compilation of affirmations just for you:)

  1. I am capable of overcoming negative thinking.

  2. I choose to focus on positive thoughts and beliefs.

  3. I release all negative thoughts and replace them with positive ones.

  4. I am in control of my thoughts and emotions.

  5. I trust in my ability to overcome negative thinking patterns.

  6. I choose to let go of limiting beliefs and embrace new possibilities.

  7. I am worthy of happiness and positivity in my life.

  8. I am grateful for all the positive experiences and blessings in my life.

  9. I surround myself with positivity and uplifting energy.

  10. I am open to learning and growing from challenges.

  11. I am resilient and capable of bouncing back from setbacks.

  12. I believe in my strengths and talents.

  13. I am confident in my ability to create the life I desire.

  14. I choose to let go of self-doubt and embrace self-love and confidence.

  15. I am deserving of love, joy, and abundance in my life.

-Selfpause is a life coaching app that aims to help users improve themselves through the use of effective coaching techniques and personalized affirmations. --It is designed to be compact, user-friendly, and highly efficient. The app features a vast collection of affirmations that users can browse and save, as well as guided affirmation sessions with soothing background sounds for mindfulness and meditation.
-Its main goal is to promote positivity and self-confidence, enabling users to lead more fulfilling and satisfying lives!! (Cool right?)


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If you’re ready to change your life and reach your goals, then try our AI life-coaching and positive affirmations app TODAYAY!

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