🧠 A study about Mindful Learning Programs Boosting Engineering Students Success

Hey there early birds and late risers, welcome to your daily cup of Selfpause joe! We're your friendly neighborhood pep squad and info hub, delivering the lowdown on mental wellness sprinkled with your daily dose of laughter. Combining chuckles with some heavy-duty science, we'll gift wrap your brain with some seriously cool insights!

Take a look at what we’ve got going on:

  • 🔧 Affirmations to Help You Achieve Mental Health and Success in Engineering

  • 🧠 A study about Mindful Learning Programs Boosting Engineering Students Success

🧠 Chill-out Engineers: The Mindful Learning Impact

Engineering students are super stressed out – no surprise there. But, the University of Calgary has stepped up with an interesting program to address this mental strain.

  • The University initiated a pilot program, focused on providing first-year engineering students with regular sessions to reflect on their mental well-being and personal learning.

  • This program isn't just good for the noggin – it also helps bust stigmas about mental health, specifically in the fiercely logic-oriented field of engineering.

  • The results from the inaugural year showed that these wellness modules are more than just deep breathing exercises — they're essential tools for success.

In a nutshell, caring for our minds isn't just good for us, it also makes us better students. Who'd have thought?


Fuel For the Engineer's Mind: Affirmations for a Calmer, Healthier, Successful Learning Journey

1. "I acknowledge my stress, but I won't let it overcome my potential."

2. "I'm an engineer in progress, not perfection. I give myself space for mistakes."

3. "In this logical field, caring for my mental wellbeing is my superpower."

4. "Deep-breathing may seem simple, but it's my gateway to calmness and clarity."

5. "I am breaking the stigma surrounding mental health in engineering one breath at a time."

6. "My mind is packed with logical prowess, and with some mindfulness, I am unstoppable."

7. "My capacity to learn grows as I care more for my mental wellbeing."

8. "Every reflection session is an investment in my mental strength and academic success."

9. "With each mindful moment, I am becoming a better student and stronger engineer."

10. "Each stress signal is a reminder. I pause, breathe, reflect and then conquer."

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