🌞Sunshine and Socializing: The Ultimate Mental Wellness Combo ☀️

While evidence-based treatments exist, there is a lack of published research summarizing the potential preventive and therapeutic effects of leisure activities on mental health, despite an increasing body of evidence in recent years.

Arise and shine! Time to snag your daily fix of Selfpause goodness! We're here to give you a mental wellness boost that'll have you feeling like a superhero. Brace yourselves for some great moments of education, sprinkled with a generous dose of laughter and scientific brain candy.

What’s in your daily fix:

  • A study found 13% of the population experiences mental disorders, but many individuals remain untreated

  • An article on how art can help with community mental wellness

  • 10 "I am" affirmations about how art helps mental health

While evidence-based treatments exist, there is a lack of published research summarizing the potential preventive and therapeutic effects of leisure activities on mental health, despite an increasing body of evidence in recent years

We all know that mental health is important, but sometimes it can be hard to find affordable and accessible ways to take care of ourselves. Luckily, a new study is shedding light on some simple and fun activities that can boost our mental wellness without breaking the bank!

Here's what the researchers found:

🏡 Home-based activities like gardening, cooking, and crafting can help reduce stress and improve mood.

👥 Community-based activities like volunteering, joining a club, or attending events can increase social support and decrease feelings of loneliness.

🔍 The study reviewed a bunch of other studies (meta-analyses, if you want to get fancy) to get a big-picture view of the evidence.

The bottom line? Taking time to do things we enjoy and connect with others can have a real impact on our mental health. So go ahead and plant those flowers, bake that cake, or join that book club – your brain will thank you! 🧠


The arts have shown potential in improving mental health by addressing collective trauma, social exclusion, and chronic disease. Arts activities have been found to alleviate depressive symptoms, improve cognition and memory, reduce loneliness among adolescents, and enhance overall well-being. In Rhinelander, Wisconsin, a community partnership involving ArtStart, the City of Rhinelander, and Marshfield Clinic Health System aims to address social isolation and mental illness among youth by building a skatepark and leveraging the healing power of the arts.

What’s going on:

  • The partnership has involved feasibility studies, connections with skatepark advocacy organizations and artists, the creation of temporary art elements, and the establishment of a Youth Arts Studio.

  • It has also connected youth with mental health resources, artist mentors, and training opportunities.

  • The city has earmarked funding, and the project has expanded to involve more partners and community participation.

  • Supporting youth mental health is crucial for developing empathy, building a sense of community, and fostering relationships with future leaders.

  • Small or rural cities can begin this work by connecting with local health systems and community-based organizations, engaging with local arts agencies, prioritizing action steps, exploring funding sources, and seeking partnerships to leverage resources.

  • Collaborations and partnerships are key in addressing community challenges and thinking creatively about solutions.


  1. I am empowered by art as it allows me to express my emotions.

  2. I am inspired by art's ability to ignite my creativity and imagination.

  3. I am grateful for art's therapeutic qualities, as it helps me reduce stress.

  4. I am connected to a supportive community of artists and art enthusiasts.

  5. I am uplifted by the transformative power of art, as it encourages personal growth, self-reflection, and a deeper understanding of myself.

  6. I am resilient in the face of challenges, as art provides me with an outlet for self-expression.

  7. I am mindful and present when engaged in artistic activities.

  8. I am confident in my artistic abilities, recognizing that the process of creating art is more important than the final outcome.

  9. I am open-minded to new artistic experiences and techniques.

  10. I am grateful for the positive impact art has on my mental health.

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