Boost Your Self-Esteem to Train Like a Champ 🏋️‍♀️

You are AMAZING. I mean we don’t know you personally, BUT you are reading this article, so that is a pretty good indication that you have impeccable taste…Good for you!

Important matters of discussion:

  • An interesting study we found for you, self-affirmed athletes had decreased levels of claimed self-handicapping

  • Do you remember Michael Phelps? (Kinda a big deal in the Olympic circles) He uses affirmations, a lot, no seriously, A LOT

  • Since someone famous uses affirmations, we have some for you at the end, you know, just in case you want to try some too…

Training in Vain? Don’t Let Your Thoughts Get the Better of You

Are you an athlete who's always making excuses for why you can't perform your best? Well, a study in the Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology has some news for you – it's all in your head!

Here's what the researchers found:

🏋️‍♀️ Athletes with low physical self-esteem are more likely to claim handicaps that could affect their performance (like blaming a bad workout on a headache or sore muscles).

🧠 But, when athletes were given a self-affirmation intervention (basically a pep talk for their self-worth), they were less likely to make excuses and more likely to perform at their best.

🤸‍♀️ So, if you want to train like a champ, start by believing in yourself! And coaches, take note – helping your athletes boost their self-esteem could lead to better performance on the field.

Michael Phelps + Doorways + Affirmations =???

A highly, highly decorated athlete, Michael Phelps struggled with his mental health. Now he is advocating for children’s mental health and shares how affirmations got him through difficult times.

For the record:

  • Michael Phelps shares how his therapist invited him to say a positive affirmation every time he walked through a doorway… That is a HECK OF A LOT of affirmations

  • Asking for help is crucial to your mental health, along with spending time with those you love

  • Self-care is important, even for really successful people

10 Affirmations to get you through your next door way!

  1. I am confident in my abilities and trust in my decisions.

  2. I radiate confidence and positivity in everything I do.

  3. My self-confidence grows stronger every day.

  4. I am worthy and deserving of success and happiness.

  5. I am comfortable and confident in my own skin.

  6. I trust myself to handle any challenges that come my way.

  7. My confidence inspires and empowers those around me.

  8. I am confident in my ability to learn and grow from my mistakes.

  9. I am fearless and courageous in pursuing my dreams.

  10. I believe in myself and my abilities to achieve anything I set my mind to.

Selfpause is an app designed to help users improve their self-love and positivity. It offers various features, including life coaching tools, customized affirmation coaching, thousands of affirmations to swipe through, and guided meditation sessions with customizable background sounds. The app aims to provide users with a personal life coach in their pocket to navigate their journey towards a happier and more mindful self. Selfpause is an all-in-one app for affirmations, meditation, and self-improvement that helps users unlock the power of positivity.


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