🤖Virtual Humans: The New Therapists? How Gender and Accent Affect Mental Wellness Support 💬

Students perceive virtual humans' expertise based on spoken accent and gender suggests that students were more inclined to interact with a female virtual human and that spoken accents can influence their perceptions of expertise.

Hey there, our favorite people! You ready for your daily shot of Selfpause?! We're your trusty companions on this wild mental wellness journey, armed with enough motivation to power a rocket and enough humor to make even Einstein crack a smile.

So, what's on today's menu? Well, we've got a pinch of science, a dash of humor, and a whole lot of awesome takeaways to serve you up. Get comfy and let's dive into the beautiful world of mental wellness.

Let the good times roll! 🚀:

  • This study dives into the effects of virtual humans' gender and spoken accent on users' perceptions of expertise during mental wellness conversations

  • This article looks at how virtual exposure therapy is being used to help trauma patients

  • 15 affirmations about perceptions about seeking mental health

Students perceive virtual humans' expertise based on spoken accents and gender suggests that students were more inclined to interact with a female virtual human and that spoken accents can influence their perceptions of expertise

When it comes to mental wellness support, trust, and intimacy are key. But what if your therapist was a virtual human? A study by North American universities looked at how undergraduate computing students perceived virtual humans' expertise in mental wellness support based on gender and spoken accent.

Here's what they found:

👨‍💼 Male virtual humans were less popular than female ones. Sorry, guys!

🗣️ Spoken accents can impact students' perceptions of expertise, especially for multilingual students.

So, while virtual humans may be the future of mental wellness support, it seems like we still have some work to do in making them more relatable and trustworthy. But hey, who knows? Maybe one day we'll all be chatting with robots about our feelings. 🤖💬


Researchers are working on helping people overcome their fears of the ICU. A study led by Brian Peach focuses on patients with post-intensive care syndrome (PICS). The studies indicate that 80% of ICU patients suffer from PTSD, and a third are unable to return to work within a year of hospitalization.

Here’s the bullet points:

  • Virtual reality (VR) exposure therapy is being used to assist patients in coping with their fears.

  • VR transports patients into the ICU environment using sights, sounds and even smells.

  • Researchers can observe physical signs of distress in patients during VR therapy sessions.

  • Patients' triggers, such as the sound of lawnmowers, can remind them of their ICU experiences.

  • After ten VR therapy sessions, Cheryl Thompson experienced a significant reduction in anxiety.

  • ICU patients often continue to experience triggers months or even years after leaving the hospital.

  • Virtual reality exposure therapy has been successful in treating PTSD among first responders, military personnel, and veterans, surpassing the national standard.


  1. Seeking help for my mental health is a sign of strength, not weakness.

  2. I deserve to prioritize my mental well-being and seek the support I need.

  3. There is no shame in asking for help when it comes to my mental health.

  4. Seeking therapy shows that I am taking proactive steps toward self-care.

  5. I am worthy of receiving professional guidance and support.

  6. I am not alone in my struggles, and there are people who genuinely want to help me.

  7. It's okay to reach out for support; it's a courageous decision that can positively impact my life.

  8. Seeking assistance is a valid and important choice.

  9. By seeking help, I am investing in my own happiness and well-being.

  10. The stigma surrounding mental health does not define my worth or my decision to seek help.

  11. I have the right to access mental health resources that can empower me to live a fulfilling life.

  12. Seeking therapy is a proactive step toward personal growth.

  13. I am not alone in facing mental health challenges.

  14. I deserve to live a life free from the burden of untreated mental health issues.

  15. By seeking help for my mental health, I am demonstrating self-love and compassion for myself.

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