💪Workplace Wellness Programs: Are They Worth the Hype?💼

Wellness Programs: The Good, The Bad, and The Incentives

Welcome, esteemed individuals! Get ready to step into your day with confidence and embark on an extraordinary mental wellness journey with Selfpause. Our plan is to help you stay engaged and invigorated throughout the day, fostering personal fulfillment. Join us on this captivating voyage as we set sail together, initiating a transformative path toward attaining optimal mental well-being.

Here’s going to get us started on our wellness journey:

  • A study that shows researchers on the hunt to see how wellness programs can help you with both health and financial outcomes

  • Workplace practices that will help you maintain your mental health

  • 10 affirmations about keeping your mental health intact at work

Wellness Programs: The Good, The Bad, and The Incentives

We all know that feeling of being stuck at work, staring at a screen, and feeling like a potato. But what if we told you that wellness programs could help you feel like a sweet potato instead? A systematic review of 33 studies published in PubMed, CINAHL, and other sources from 2000-2011 looked at the impact of worksite wellness programs on health and financial outcomes. Here's what they found:

🏋️‍♀️ 8 out of 13 studies found improvements in physical activity

🍎 6 out of 12 studies found improvements in diet

🧍‍♀️ 6 out of 12 studies found improvements in body mass index/weight

🧠 3 out of 4 studies found improvements in mental health

🚬 6 out of 7 studies found significant reductions in tobacco use

🍺 2 out of 3 studies found significant reductions in alcohol use

🛌 All 4 studies on absenteeism and 7 out of 8 studies on healthcare costs estimated significant decreases

But wait, there's more! Only 2 out of 23 studies evaluated the impact of incentives and found positive health outcomes and decreased costs. So, while wellness programs may not be a magic cure-all, they can definitely have some positive effects on your health and your wallet. So, next time your boss offers a wellness program, give it a try – your body and bank account will thank you! 💰💪


Workplace wellness is a multi-billion-dollar industry, with a majority of large employers offering wellness programs. However, many employers are not following best practices in designing and implementing these programs, and many employees are not taking advantage of them.

Here’s the dirty details : 

  • The Return On Wellbeing Institute's study identified six best practices for effective employee wellness initiatives: strategic approach, culture as a priority, whole-person approach, leadership support, purpose as a priority, and measuring returns.

  • A whole-person approach to wellness that addresses physical, mental, and financial well-being is more effective than focusing solely on physical health.

  • Leadership support, including CEO involvement and communication, is crucial for creating a supportive work environment and cultivating a culture of health.

  • Workplace culture plays a significant role in employee well-being and satisfaction, and companies should prioritize employee well-being as part of their cultures.


  1. I prioritize my mental health at work and create boundaries to maintain a healthy work-life balance.

  2. I am aware of my stress triggers and proactively manage them.

  3. I take regular breaks throughout the day to recharge and refresh.

  4. I practice mindfulness and stay present in the moment.

  5. I am confident in setting realistic goals and expectations for myself.

  6. I communicate my needs and concerns openly and assertively.

  7. I surround myself with positive and supportive colleagues.

  8. I engage in self-care activities outside of work to nurture my mental and emotional well-being.

  9. I recognize the importance of seeking help when needed.

  10. I celebrate my achievements and acknowledge my efforts.

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